Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Effectiveness Of Facebook Marketing
The Effectiveness Of Facebook Marketing Abstract This research proposal focuses on the effectiveness of Facebook marketing. The success of Facebook has not escaped the specialists attention, but there is a clear absence of quantitative research because there has been huge debate within the marketing community that is influencing consumer behaviour and brand perception, so, this study will help to support the debate. Many brands and small businesses have already entered the Facebook platform and due to the economic remunerations of this platform, brands with a truncated marketing budget can be lured to join the race. The purpose of this research is to, with a quantitative approach; determine whether Facebook is an effective marketing standard. An experiment will be accompanied where a sample of participants will be exposed to a selection of fictive fan pages on Facebook during one weeks time. After experimentation process and surveying fans I will be able to demonstrate the fact of considering a Facebook an effective marketing tool for businesses. 2. Introduction Facebook is a very famous social networking website which was launched in the second month of the year 2004. Seemingly, it has been studied that almost one out of 14 people in this world is a Facebook user. Facebook has become an unbeatable phenomenon by its fastest growing number of users and user friendly platform. By the time it has started, Facebook has approximately more than 500 million users. Each user is connected to an average of 140 friends which shows if a company persuades a single person to post something about their business or brand they are having the potential of reaching 140 or more. There are more than 25 billion content shared like pictures, posts and links and over 170 million things to interact with, includes pages, events, applications, games and groups (Facebook web-page, press information, 2010). Facebooks early achievements attracted investors and marketing companies to nurture their businesses with the help of its growing number of users. Many national and international companies are using the help of Facebook to market and advertise their business in order to fascinate more clients (Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook). Facebook marketing is becoming talk of the business town. Facebooks enormous user power helped multinational and national companies to build number of clients and sales of their products and services in a very short period of time. The advertiser is no longer the person in a company that decides how, when, where and whom to communicate. Nowadays it is the customer that decides which company and what information to take part of (Meadows-Klue, 2007). Facebook is thus an attractive marketing channel to reach younger consumers, and particularly interesting for new companies that do not have extensive marketing budget. As a researcher, I would like to explore more on the effectiveness of Facebook marketing. So, this research mainly focuses on the effectiveness of Facebooks marketing. 3. Problem Facebook is a young contender in communication platform and there are not many studies or researches regarding its effectiveness as a means of marketing. Deceptively, there are very few guidelines concerning what role fan pages should play in a business marketing strategy and how the brand should communicate with consumers through such a medium. The absence of scientific studies does not however reflect a lack of interest amongst advertisers and the number of businesses starting their own fan page is constantly increasing. Lately, there has also been a debate concerning the effectiveness of a creative approach versus a selling approach to marketing. This debate has been supported by extensive research and according to several studies a creative approach is to be preferred (Colliander, Erlandson and Modig, 2010). However, these results have yet to be tested on Facebook platform. The problem question that will be used to perform the research is is Facebook marketing an effective? The main purpose for this research is to investigate whether start-up companies shall use a Facebook fan page in order to enhance perceptions of brand associations and improve traditional key advertisement indicators amongst consumers. The study will also determine whether an advertiser shall adopt a creative approach rather than a strictly selling approach on Facebook. We address this study to start-up companies targeting young students. 4. Proposed Literature Review 4.1. Facebook-ing for business According to author of this article Facebook is everywhere these days, and it isnt going away. A recent report stated that 10% of total time spent on the internet is on Facebook, and it would be stupid for local businesses not to take advantage of the opportunity accessible by Facebook. Jared Todd (author) also represented some primer for business looking to reach out to customers through Facebook Invite customers, but dont be pushy: Invite customers to join the page but never push them otherwise they will get irritated. Publish your Facebook Page on Website, Twitter, or any other social networking website Run Facebook Only Promotions: Run promotions which are only accessible through Facebook. Facebook for Business: This is the process where a company can promote its products with the use of Facebook. (Retrieved from: http://whizkidkonnect.com/) The main reason why I chose this article, because of authors straight forward approach in describing benefits of Facebook, he also shows the main possible ways to get the attention of the customers. This article represents all the possible ways which make Facebook an effective marketing tool. 4.2. Viral Marketing Groups are one of the simplest ways to perform viral marketing on Facebook. It is as easy as if somebody is relaxing on a couch. It starts when members starts joining a group after that they can invite any person or a friend on Facebook by using a very unique feature called the built in Invite feature. If your members are interested and would like to join about your group, it can grow really fast. Additionally, the group name will usually appear on your members personal profile pages until they leave the group. Many people view groups as Bumper Stickers. Because profile pages are exceedingly trafficked, these links can engender a lot of clicks to a group page. (Justin Smith, 2007) (Retrieved from http://www.insidefacebook.com/2007/12/09/inside-facebook-marketing-bible-24-ways-to-market-your-brand-company-product-or-service-in-facebook/, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Viral-marketing-tips/92274993058) Viral marketing is a part of internet marketing. The source here mainly states the meaning of viral marketing which is also known as word-of-mouth marketing. All these information is essential for a best conclusion on the research topic. There are certain parts of Facebook page that results to viral marketing such as its application that connects people with each other instantly, its fan page feature, invitation process i.e. inviting your Facebook fans or Friends for an event or gathering. This information is vital for knowing the effectiveness of Facebook marketing. (Bhavya George, Social Maximizer, 2010) (Retrieved from: http://sem-group.net/search-engine-optimization-blog/social-media/viral-marketing-on-facebook-7-points-you-just-cannot-neglect/) 4.3. Vancouver Business: Success story One success story which is about an entrepreneur who worked hard to develop a successful and profitable e-business is Sandy Stevens of Sandys Home-style Baking Company. Being healthy to channel her love of baking and sweets into a viable career, Stevens has experienced a great deal of success over the short time her e-business has been running. Based in Vancouver, Canada, Stevens was unaware of using marketing tactics that are provided online, but due to his friend encouragement she learnt all the possible to ways to market her company products through web. She done her own web designing and she also created a link with newspapers with the help of search engines like Yahoo! and Google. Now her business is blooming because of her effort and believing in online marketing and advertising (Retrieved from: http://www.biz2success.com/2010/06/anyone-can-do-it-small-e-business-success-stories/). This is a good example of how getting customers in an efficient and effective way. In terms of expenses, she spent a small portion of her money to create a platform where people can get information easily. This article will help to strengthen the topic as it demonstrates the success rate of promoting products and services through internet marketing. Facebook is a part of internet, thus, this article is essential to find out the speed of growth in business by using Facebook as a marketing tool. 4.4. Critique and Analyze The most vivacious part of this research is to provide a theory or a model that proves the effectiveness of Facebook marketing. Therefore, these are some literatures which are essential for researching on effectiveness level of Facebook marketing. In the first article, the author is primarily focused on the way to get attention of online customers and the rest of the articles are all about active Facebook users signals innovativeness of brand. It covers branding, Approach and style of a product or service that is being marketed by the company. Branding a product through web is an opportunity for those businesses who would like to increase to increase their brand value (Steven Holzner, 2009). Furthermore, it elucidates on viral marketing and its practices; it also shows how it is essential for local businesses. Lastly, it articulates on the success stories of some business that adapted internet marketing as their marketing tool (Chris Treadaway, Mari Smith, Facebook Company, 2010). Ov erall, all the research articles are deliberated to be resourceful for the research. 5. Proposed Methodology 5.1. Methodology There has been quite a buzz about social media currently, and of how it is giving the consumer increasingly more power while rapidly changing the real face of marketing. I found myself very captivated by this sensation, but was soon to realize that this open-ended belief in the influence of social media lacked some very fundamental quantitative research. I decided to fill this breach and found a great source of inspiration reading Kocken Skoghagen (2009). They had conducted quantitative research, analyzing whether Twitter was a valid marketing platform and how it should be used. With the conviction that there are many similarities between Twitter and Facebook I decided to perform an equivalent study on Facebook. Inspired by Kocken Skoghagen (2009) a deductive approach is to be applied in the research. The study is of underlying character, being that the objective is to find a connection between the acquaintance of a brand on Facebook and certain effects on consumer comportment and discernment of brand associations. A quantitative study will be held by simulating a realistic environment which I believe to obtain more general results. Respondents will be given four specific brands (i.e. fan pages) to follow on Facebook during one week and were thereafter will be asked to answer a survey. I chose to follow this experiment design despite the difficulties attached with involving a rather big test-group into a relatively time-consuming study. Our choice was greatly influenced by the fact that Kocken Skoghagen (2009) had used a similar design, which had already been proved to be successful. Moreover, I am hoping that by using a similar design as Kocken Skoghagen (2009), I will open up for an int eresting comparison between Facebook and Twitter as marketing channels. The experiment will be started by ideating four fictive brands, thus ensuring that none of the respondents would be familiar with them, and creating all the necessary fan pages. Status updtaes will be prepared and would be posted during the study. The participants will be divided into four groups. Each respondent will be given four fan pages (i.e. one for each brand) in order to follow and asked to create one friend list consisting of all fan pages he/she will be assigned. The friend list is a necessary deterrent in order to simulate a news feed (i.e. one of the sections of Faceobok) and make sure that all status updates I will like the respondents to perceive will be noticed. After the experiment, a survey will be distributed to all participants through the Facebook-mail. The participants will be given one week to answer the survey before they will get disregarded from the study. This will help to reduce the time period in order to pass between the experiment and the survey as that could have biased the study. The survey was created with the survey-tool provided by the website of Survey Monkey (www.surveymonkey.com). An exact same survey will be given to all the respondents, covering all the four brands examined. Most of the questions will be standard where respondents will be asked to determine how well they agreed with some given assertions, similar to those asked by Kocken and Skoghagen (2009). 5.2. Participants Since the study would require some involvement from the participants I realized that it would be challenging to influence people to participate unless if I have any kind of personal relationship with them. That is the reason why I decided to recruit participants to my study amongst own social networks. Nevertheless, being part of the target group I will be to involving a sample that is relatively representative with regards to the aims of the study. The target of this study is to gather almost 300 people who are interested in participating to this study. The respondents of this study will be 20 to 30 years of age. Most of the participants will be asked to become fan of selected fan pages. After this process I will be giving out a survey to all the fans. Questions in the survey will be concerning the effectiveness of Facebook marketing. 5.3. Ethical Issues All the sources and references are open and accessible through the web except information gathered directly from the company itself is not accessible. According to them any information from the company is confidential and cannot be used in any research without their permission. So I decided to send them a letter that will authorize me to gather appropriate information directly from their website. Other issue is the sample that will be collected within the same network (i.e. students of Vancouver) and this may have inhibited reliability of the scores. (Retrieved from) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/click_online/7375772.stm). 6. Project Work Plan and Deliverables Tasks to be performed Dates Time Required Final Research proposal and submit for clearance 3-11 November 2010 One week Typing 22-30 November 2010 One week Pre-test study 5-15 December 2010 Three weeks Collect Data 16th December 2010 1st march 2011 Ten weeks Process Data and make preliminary interpretation End of each month of data collection Five weeks Analyze and write report 2-30 March 2011 Two weeks Publish and discuss work findings 6-25 April 2011 Two weeks Final Thesis and submission 26th April 2011 15th May 2011 Three weeks 7. References Colliander, J. Erlandsson, S. Modig, E. (2010), Speed or Distance, Manuscript, Stockholm School of Economics; Cote, J. Chris Treadaway, Mari Smith, Facebook (Firm) (2010). Facebook marketing: an hour a day, Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing. Steven Holzner (2009). Facebook marketing : leverage social media to grow your business, Chicago: Que Publishing. Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research design. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Meadows-Klue (2007), Falling in Love 2.0: Relationship marketing for the Facebook generation, Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 245-250; Facebook web-page, press information, http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics, 15 May 2010 http://www.facebook.com http://www.clickrmedia.com/services/social-media-marketing/facebook http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Facebook. http://whizkidkonnect.com/ http://arc.hhs.se/download.aspx?MediumId=947 http://netbrands.net/ http://www.insidefacebook.com/2007/12/09/inside-facebook-marketing-bible-24-ways-to-market-your-brand-company-product-or-service-in-facebook/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Viral-marketing-tips/92274993058 http://www.biz2success.com/2010/06/anyone-can-do-it-small-e-business-success-stories/ http://sem-group.net/search-engine-optimization-blog/social-media/viral-marketing-on-facebook-7-points-you-just-cannot-neglect/ http://wilderdom.com/research/QualitativeVersusQuantitativeResearch.html http://hbr.org/2010/03/one-cafe-chains-facebook-experiment/ar/1 http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/10982_Chapter_4.pdf Social & Ethical Issues of Information Systems Facebook from Marielle C http://www.churchofcustomer.com/2009/10/facebook-fan-pages-are-the-future.html http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-technology/paypal-to-become-a-way-to-pay-for-facebook-ads-20100219-oj88.html
Monday, January 20, 2020
Social Effects of the Berlin Wall Essay -- essays research papers fc
Outline THESIS: From research and historical analysts, we can conclude that in many cases the people of Germany have been effected socially and economically by the building and construction of the Berlin Wall. I. Background A. Beginning construction B. Closing borders C. Pre-Berlin Wall II. History A. Cold War B. World War II C. Economy III. Post- Berlin Wall effects A. Economic examples B. Political examples Conclusion In the last fifty years the German Democratic Republic has been a nonstop changing country. In Germany, the terms ââ¬Å"Eastâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Westâ⬠do not just represent geographically regions. It runs much deeper than that, and there is still a large gap in the way of life, and political and social conditions of the whole country. While most Germanââ¬â¢s were sleeping on the night of August 13, 1961, the East German government began closing its borders. In the early morning of that Sunday, most of the first work was done: the border to West Berlin was closed. The East German troops had begun to tear up streets and to install barbed wire entanglement and fences through Berlin. Between 1961 and today, the Berlin Wall saw many changes, and so did the people that it entrapped. Prior to the construction of the Berlin Wall, boarders between East and West Germany were closed in 1952 because of tension between Communists and Democratic superpowers and the only open crossing left in Berlin. West Germany was blockaded by the Soviets and only kept alive because of air drops made by the Western Allies (Time). The Soviets had to do something about the mass amount of people leaving Soviet East Berlin for West Berlin, and the non-communist world. The most visible aspect of the Cold War was the Berlin Wall. Before the wall was constructed, East and West Germans could travel freely between the two states. The number of East Germans fleeing to West was an embarrassment to the Communists, and something had to be done to pro... ...in a recent pole, 40% of young people in this area would vote for this party of former communists. In the West however, all of the districts, excluding one voted for the conservative Christian Democratic Union. (Time Nov 20th) Though times were tough for many years for some Germans, things are improving slowly. While the wall was erect, many Germans had high hopes of change and continue to strive towards equality nationwide. In June of 1963 when John F. Kennedy visited Berlin, he gave a very impacting speech to the people of Berlin, "There are some who say that Communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin" (Sidey). Although the wall no longer physically stands, it still today divides Germany and Berlin into two separate states today. Works Cited Benjamin, Daniel. ââ¬Å"Wall of Shame.â⬠Time. November 20, 1989 Canning, Kathleen. ââ¬Å"Responses to German Reunification.â⬠The Journal of the International Institute. 2000. The Regents of the University of Michigan. 07 March 05 Sidey, Hugh. ââ¬Å"The Presidency.â⬠Time. November 20, 1989 Wallace, Charles P., ââ¬Å"Across the Great Divide.â⬠Time Europe. Nov. 15, 1999 Social Effects of the Berlin Wall Essay -- essays research papers fc Outline THESIS: From research and historical analysts, we can conclude that in many cases the people of Germany have been effected socially and economically by the building and construction of the Berlin Wall. I. Background A. Beginning construction B. Closing borders C. Pre-Berlin Wall II. History A. Cold War B. World War II C. Economy III. Post- Berlin Wall effects A. Economic examples B. Political examples Conclusion In the last fifty years the German Democratic Republic has been a nonstop changing country. In Germany, the terms ââ¬Å"Eastâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Westâ⬠do not just represent geographically regions. It runs much deeper than that, and there is still a large gap in the way of life, and political and social conditions of the whole country. While most Germanââ¬â¢s were sleeping on the night of August 13, 1961, the East German government began closing its borders. In the early morning of that Sunday, most of the first work was done: the border to West Berlin was closed. The East German troops had begun to tear up streets and to install barbed wire entanglement and fences through Berlin. Between 1961 and today, the Berlin Wall saw many changes, and so did the people that it entrapped. Prior to the construction of the Berlin Wall, boarders between East and West Germany were closed in 1952 because of tension between Communists and Democratic superpowers and the only open crossing left in Berlin. West Germany was blockaded by the Soviets and only kept alive because of air drops made by the Western Allies (Time). The Soviets had to do something about the mass amount of people leaving Soviet East Berlin for West Berlin, and the non-communist world. The most visible aspect of the Cold War was the Berlin Wall. Before the wall was constructed, East and West Germans could travel freely between the two states. The number of East Germans fleeing to West was an embarrassment to the Communists, and something had to be done to pro... ...in a recent pole, 40% of young people in this area would vote for this party of former communists. In the West however, all of the districts, excluding one voted for the conservative Christian Democratic Union. (Time Nov 20th) Though times were tough for many years for some Germans, things are improving slowly. While the wall was erect, many Germans had high hopes of change and continue to strive towards equality nationwide. In June of 1963 when John F. Kennedy visited Berlin, he gave a very impacting speech to the people of Berlin, "There are some who say that Communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin" (Sidey). Although the wall no longer physically stands, it still today divides Germany and Berlin into two separate states today. Works Cited Benjamin, Daniel. ââ¬Å"Wall of Shame.â⬠Time. November 20, 1989 Canning, Kathleen. ââ¬Å"Responses to German Reunification.â⬠The Journal of the International Institute. 2000. The Regents of the University of Michigan. 07 March 05 Sidey, Hugh. ââ¬Å"The Presidency.â⬠Time. November 20, 1989 Wallace, Charles P., ââ¬Å"Across the Great Divide.â⬠Time Europe. Nov. 15, 1999
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Democratic Convention
Several dozens of years ago Conventions of parties were an important part of American political life. Although nowadays their role is a bit decreased, still the electors watch results of Conventions with great interest.Democratic Convention of this year gave possibility to John Kerry to introduce him to that part of American electorate, which doesnââ¬â¢t know him well. Still, the electorate knows quite well who is George Bush ââ¬â as he was the President for 4 years.So, Republican Convention will not add much information to those opinions about Bush, which are already exist, although his speech is prominent, as usual and in some extent, shows him from a bit new point of view.We can see some changes in Conventions as well: last time directly at Conventions who candidates competed for nomination from Party ââ¬â Jerald Ford and Ronald Reagan (it took place in 1976 and we are speaking about Republicans), but if approval of candidate changed into clear formality, can the Americ an political scientists continue to examine Convention as a key event of party political struggle?I think, to some extent it is correct, even if we take into account that candidate is usually determined to the beginning of Convention, and we are not expecting any surprises. It became a part of election campaign, but it is very important part of it.The Convention is a kind of enchanting sight which gives an opportunity to candidate to present his speech, where he will give idea of himself and his program, ââ¬â and then it results his rating. Actually, Republican Convention is an answer to Democratic Convention, which took place in Boston from July 26 to July 29.It is quite difficult position: while George Bush can refer to his statement of service, John Kerry can refer only to his promises. But from the other side, if Bushââ¬â¢s statement of services can be interpreted not only to his favor, and many of electors treat it exactly to his disfavor, we have the struggle between re ality and promises.More then 35 thousand of people took part in Democratic Convention. During Convention they informed American society about life of John Kerry and John Edwards, about their great services to American society in the struggle for interests of middle-class and about their plans to build stronger and more independent America.Stephanie Tubbs-Jones told about plans to create new working places and economics, which will be more stable in interests of middle-classes. Tammy Baldwin presented program of cheaper and more affordable health-care system. Bob Menendez explained main points of Democratic program in the field of foreign policy.The most important event was final speech of candidate to President John Kerry, directly before procedure of official closure of Convention. The present structure of Convention was the most multi-national during the whole history of Party according to information of Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC). More then 40% of participant s consisted of national minorities of the USA. More then 10 thousand of people registered as volunteers in order to help the party during Convention.Historically, Republicans had more strong positions at more rich and industrialized north of America, and Democrats ââ¬â at more poor ââ¬Å"villageâ⬠south. But during the last 50 years their positions changed: Democrats dominate at the North of America and Republicans ââ¬â at the South.Democrats lay special stress on expansion of governmental role, and Republicans lay stress on decreasing of governmental role, taxes, etc. Another point of differences is program of so-called ââ¬Å"affirmative actionsâ⬠. Democrats support giving advantages to race and other minorities when receiving job or education; ââ¬â this was the reason that African-American gave their votes in their favor.Democrats consider themselves supporters and defenders of interests of working class and people with low income. Republicans present inter ests rather of business and wealthy citizens. Their party also includes Christian conservators.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Role Of Higher Education Institutions Today - 1713 Words
t is the role of higher education institutions today? Create A Quality Workforce By Growing, Training, And Attracting The Finest Talent- Higher education will be a dominant, if not decisive, factor in preparing workers with the robust skills needed to adapt to changing job requirements. Support Current Business And Industry- Current business and industry receives support through the customized services offered by higher education. As technology and the economic climate change, higher education can be a valuable resource to businesses in some ways e.g- training, assessments, employee skills Improve Learning And Teaching From Pre-School Through Graduate School- Higher educational institutions work with P-12 schools to help prepare students with the increasingly higher-level skills needed to obtain and retain employment. Preparing sufficient numbers of students can be challenging, Take Strong And Visible Roles In Regional Initiative- Higher education, with its networks and linkages thro ughout the region and state, is uniquely positioned to convene the necessary representatives from the diverse government, business, education, social, and civic groups and to serve as the third-party, neutral catalyst to create the collaborations needed to develop industry clusters. Disseminate Research And Promote Technology Transfer- Research and practical, application-based technology are needed to create sustainable economic growth. 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